Bria M. Coates, M.D.

Bria M. Coates, M.D.

Northewestern University

Research Project:
Impact of NOD-like receptor signaling in juvenile influenza A virus infection

Grant Awarded:

  • Biomedical Research Grant

Research Topic:

  • clinical research

Research Disease:

  • influenza

Influenza A virus (IAV) is a highly contagious virus that causes respiratory tract infections in up to 40 percent of children each year. Lung injury due to IAV infection is the result of damage from both the virus and the immune system's response to the virus. We have found that juvenile mice infected with IAV show continued activation of two inflammatory signaling pathways even after removal of the virus. This project will determine the contribution of these signaling pathways to the susceptibility of juvenile mice to IAV-induced acute lung injury. We will perform a preclinical trial to determine the effectiveness of three drugs in reducing the severity of IAV infection. Our results may support the use of medications to treat children with IAV-induced acute lung injury.

Page last updated: April 17, 2024

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