Brittany G. Laying in bed, I opened the text. Pneumonia? Wait, what? She had been battling a cough for 3 years. Was it pneumonia the whole time? Thinking we had finally found the cause of the mystery cough, I called off work and headed to the hospital.
Bridget M. cancer, one COPD, and one asthma. hatred of smoking. My dad was a long time smoker with emphysema. Eventually, he developed COPD and was tied to a oxygen machine. Daughter, pneumonia, asthma.
Brian H.
Brian B. When Brian Bowman wakes up each morning and starts his day, the sky looks bluer, the flowers smell sweeter and his love for life and his family is so much more precious.
Brenda M.
Brenda A. My doctor ordered the scan during a routine physical. He did not suspect cancer but because of my years of smoking wanted to be on the safe side. I was not afraid or intimidated by his request for me to be scanned. Lo and behold, a spot showed up and
Brandy Z. Lung cancer is destructive; it destroys lives, families, and futures. I can speak to this personally because my life has been affected by the devasting consequences of lung cancer. Not only lung cancer, but cancer in general. My story is unique becau
Brandon D. My mother and grandmother both lost their lives to lung cancer. I helped take care of my mother, and she fought this for 5 years. I miss her very much!
Brandi S. My grandpa suffered from COPD in his later years of life. It was difficult watching as a child and going to the many hospital visits. It brought my mom and I closer though and we remember him fondly through funny memories and participating in events
Bobbi J. I was diagnosed in 2013 with stage 3 lung cancer. I've never smoked. I didn't have symptoms. I was 39. I just gave birth to a baby girl, Katherine Grace.
Bobbie B. My dad was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer May 10, 2021, and I remember the heartbreak as I heard those words even though deep down in my gut I already knew he had some type of metastatic disease.
Bob B. On Sept 3, 2013 I came home from work feeling good. Had to go to bathroom and when I went- nothing but blood. Long story short, I ended up in hospital.
Bob A.
Billy B. My husband, a smoker for 50 years, was diagnosed in September 2014 with stage 4 lung cancer. The cancer involves lymph nodes and has advanced to his liver.
Bill S. Hi everyone, I am Bill and I am an (almost 7 year) lung cancer survivor. I am a never smoker, who never thought would be dealing with Lung Cancer. June 13th, 2012 brought this fact home: anyone with lungs can get Lung Cancer.