Jill O. I was in a car wreck 3 years ago with my husband and 90-year-old mother in the car. My husband was driving when I heard my mother gasp. All air bags were around us as we headed to the embankment. My husband and mother was o.k. but I told EMS I could
Jillian F. I lost my best friend, my mom, almost a year ago. On November 19, 2012 my mother Brenda (52 years old) lost her battle to cancer. When I say she was my everything, I kid you not.
Jill F. My story is a bit complicated, and started long before I was diagnosed with lung cancer, but in the interest of time I will keep it short.
Jes W. I was nine years old when I was affected by lung cancer. My dad passed away from lung cancer after a three year battle with the disease. It taught me as a young girl about resilience and staying strong in the face of such a hard life lesson.
Jessica R. "Don't worry. I'll be fine. See you Friday." These were the last words my Dad ever said to me. I remember that Sunday phone call and the following week like it was yesterday.
Jessica L. We found out my mom had extensive stage small cell lung cancer in early March 2015. Before March she only had a slight but persistent cough.
Jessica D. At the age of 37 I was blindsided with my lung cancer diagnosis. I had been battling what my doctors swore was bronchitis for almost two months, a debilitating cough which could not be eased with anything. After several visits to my family doctor a c
Jerilyn T. This isn't my story as much as my mom's story. It is short- her life was too short. At 63 she was diagnosed with stage 3 lung cancer.
Jennifer S. Hi, let me introduce myself to many that may not know me. I am Jenn and I suffer from COPD at the young age of 42 years old. I don't even know where to start, so I will start from the beginning.
Jennifer W. My mother died Christmas Morning 2002 at the age of 65 from lung cancer.
Jennifer W. My mother had COPD for 15 years. No matter how hard it was for her, she fought and fought for her kids!
Jennifer P. Each year, more people die of lung cancer than colon, breast and prostate cancer combined, yet it receives the least amount of federal funding than any other cancer.
Jennifer N. When I was only 36 years old, I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Lung Cancer with mets to my bones. We were all very surprised as I had never smoked and had not lived or worked with a smoker.
Jennifer M.
Jennifer K. Cancer - the one word you never want to hear. That one word that does not discriminate no matter who you are.